Lightning could have easily effected parts of only certain pairs within the cat5 itself. It's relatively cheap and I recommend you test all of it on a quality cat-5 tester which can determine length with TDR. This will reduce it down to what you must change, but barring that pricey ass piece of test equipment, just replace it all. You mentioned that veirzon had come out since the strike and did it's own tests on the copper from the CO to your demark, even providing another DSL router. Press on wuth them then, and make sure they did, continue to insist that you are below what is normal. Could also have effected each of the nics that each workstation use. Replace these second. The switch might have been effected also. To eliminate the copper from verizon, plug a PC with a new cat-5 patch directly into the DSL router. No appliances or suspect copper between workstation and circuit. Make sure you using the wall outlet closest to the demark point as possible.
hoping this has already been worked out for you. Finally. Use tools, speed test links for your speed eval and logging needs.
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.