Originally posted by sillygirl
Mr Mephisto: No, I did not feel better about myself. It was a difficult decision. I had to decide... do I not tell him and when he finds out later have him pissed at me that I didn't tell him when I had known all along, or do I tell him now and deal with the consequences as they may be. Judging from the fact that they A) still got married and B) He thanked me for calling, I feel that my decision was appreciated.
Well, I still disagree. I think you meddled in someone else's business. My questions, in case you didn't realise, were rhetorical.
I'd thank you to not shit in my thread. I asked specific questions, looking for some helpful and constructive feedback. If you don't have that to give, please don't post.
Now listen here Sillygirl. You posted a question to an open forum. You asked if you did the right thing. In my opinion you didn't. I replied to YOUR question. The minute you hit that SUBMIT button, it ceases to be
your thread.
If you don't like the answer, don't ask. Additionally, I'm not the only one who took this position.
I also want to say that I prefaced my reply with the (tongue in cheek) caveat that I often seem to be the "Devil's Advocate" in such threads.
Now stop being so sensitive and holier than thou. Either leave the subjest at that, or continue to discuss the matter. You won't last long at TFP if start accusing others of "shitting" on "your" threads because you don't like their answers.
Mr Mephisto