If you could go back...
And change certain events in your life, would you?
I was once asked if there was anything I could change, what would it be? My answer was to grow up in a home without a violent alcoholic father, without the anger and resentments that filled our home.
I also said I would change the fact that I was molested by my sister’s ex-husband.
Then upon my answer, the same person asked me what I wouldn't I change? Ironically enough, I said I wouldn’t change that I grew up in a home with a violent alcoholic father, that was full of anger and resentments and the fact that I was molested.
I know this sounds odd. But what it boils down to is I would have preferred not to experience the pain, but in reality, a big part of who I am and the drive I have for a better life for me and my loved ones and my strong adoration of children and desire to help the troubled ones, is a direct result of those very behaviors I was exposed to.
So, yes, I would change the pain and the experience. No, I wouldn’t change the growth I have achieved from them.
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer.
~Albert Camus