Not sure what this is called, but I think you can buy them at some Asian bakeries or restaurants that serve dim sum. They're these really greasey pancake-like thingies with green onions and a few other things in it for flavor. I call them Chinese pizza, but they are more like large pancakes, except they appear to be fried and really greasy and crispy (I can't stress this part enough). I don't know the official name for it, but I'd love to get a hold of the recipe for it. Any tips would be appreciated. At the very least, I'd like to know the name of this dish. Feel free to send me a private message too. Thanks!
edit: As far as I know, there is no tomato sauce or catsup or cheese involved, so it's not pizza in that sense... more like an appetizer or snack.
*edit: Some of the responses for this request can be found in collide's request No. 2 : Scallion Pancakes. If you have more, please post them there. Thanks.