3500 miles? This would be your first oil change in it then i assume. Also pretty safe bet you bought it new? Most dealerships will offer a free first-time check up. They will change your oil, check your tires, all your fluids, inspect teh vehicle for anything that commonly goes wrong, etc. Again, usually this first service is complementary in hopes that you will go back there. Personally, i would take it to the dealer. Nobody knows your car better, and they can tell you all the things that can go wrong, and will try and fix it before it does. They do cost a little more, but usually cars that go to the dealer regularly seem to stay in better condition longer.
Anyway, as for the tool, what "canister" is he talking about. Only thing i can think of is that is the oil filter. But i have never heard that referred to as a canister. Call you local NAPA or Kragen store. NAPA usually has good parts at a good price and has them in stock. I would call them first, then go and try all the little stores around there. Someone is bound to have it.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.