The first rule of modern racial issues is this: don't take it personally. Yes, you're white. No, I do not hate you. Yes, I believe that the playing field is not equal. No, that does not mean that I believe all white people ever - BUT ESPECIALLY YOU! - are given a secret cache of WHITE MUNNY and therefore never have to work for anything ever. Take it easy, dude. Don't let minorities' desire to share a few of the privileges held by the majority hurt your feelings.
Talking about race issues would be so much easier if white people didn't get offended by the idea that maybe the game is unfair and should be fixed. Of course, it would also help if minorities were less accusatory and more cogent, but that's another complaint. Instead of dividing people up, race dialogue is supposed to bring them together. Which won't happen if you say NO as soon as you come to the table.
I don't really think that it's fair to say "you wouldn't know, you're white," but I certainly understand the sentiment. As a guy, I'm aware that there are a lot of things I don't have to worry about that women generally do. This was illustrated to me this summer, when my girlfriend, living in the city for the first time, would get propositioned by sketchy men walking down the damn street in midday. Am I a pussy for being aware of that, getting pissed off, and never wanting to be like that? I dunno, it's your call. But the issue wouldn't necessarily have crossed my mind if it hadn't been brought to my attention by my girlfriend - I'm not a target of that particular phenomenon, but now I know.
So instead of dismissing your friendly local minority as a whiny, oversensitive, accusatory loudmouth, why not give them the benefit of the doubt and listen to what they have to say, instead of getting SO MAD! and leaving? You might learn something.
Last edited by Sledge; 10-14-2003 at 08:07 AM..