America is not another country. America is America. If we wanted to be presided over by someone from another country we would still be Brittish. America will remain in the hands of the American people - the constitution has seen to that. People who were born and raised in our culture and understand it's people; their wants, needs, desires, hopes and dreams.
There isnt just one restriction on becoming president:
A. Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
B. Be at least 35 years of age, and
C. Be a resident of the United States at least 14 years.
US Constitution, Art. II, §1(5)
Are you suggesting that this makes people under the age of 35 "second class citizens"? Are you suggesting that someone who was born a citizen here and lives in another country for the whole of their life should be elected president of a country they know nothing about? The combination of these requirements ensures a knowledgeable and mature individual that is well grounded in the culture and ways of this country.
Why are there term limits? Because we dont feel like holding a coup every time we want a new leader, thats why. They are there to keep power AWAY from any one individual for too long. No matter how many people may want a certain leader to stay in power there will always be people who reject that person.
Your definition of "second class citizen" would apply to anyone theoretically. You're under age 18 (different in each state) and cant drive? Well you're baing treated as a second class citizen! Under 21 and cant drink? Second class citizen! Cant buy a gun because you've been convicted of a murder? Well you're being treated as a second class citizen! These laws/requirements are set in places for their specific and meaningful reasons. People didnt just pull them out of their ass.