i'm gonna be un-pc and perhaps a bit rude for a moment. bear with me.
oh my holy god. let's bitch and moan because i don't feel like my television shows (simply 22 minute filler for advertisements being played at intervals) aren't making sure everyone's getting fair coverage. i simply don't feel like it's our duty as americans and patriots to make sure that there is the demanded percentage of each individual minorty out there. it boggles my damn mind when i see commercials with groups of people, and the admakers are painfully careful that every possible standpoint, in terms of race, sex, and orientation, is completely represented to make sure that it appeals to anybody who might be unfortunate enough to watch them shill for whatever useless garbage you simply must have. let's face it. television shows are made for the buying public, so the advertisers will be able to get their names placed somewhere inbetween the shows that draw the highest viewerships. they shill for the majority. it's the cold hard truth.
so let's consider a few shows that have gone against this grain to try to appeal to an ethnic audience. shows that have so many corny jokes about how the man keeps them down or about how their specific racial quirk somehow affected their everyday situations, and about how damn funny/tragic/ironic that was for them. most shows like that are garbage, made by out of work writers dipping down into the dumps for a few bucks while they beg for the latest flavor of the month director to read their "life-changing, oscar winning" manuscript.
i'm sick of watching politically correct television. if people want to create a quality show, viewers will flock to it. they shouldn't have to force it upon the viewing public with multimilliondollar advertising campaigns to make sure people will be glued to theiur couches so they can find out for themselves just how crappy it really is.
an edit, just so i can clarify what i'm saying.
when people of whatever ethnicity or creed start making quality, people will go to see it. except for very select segments of the general public, people don't give a flying fuxor if an actor/actress/show/movie is asian, black, hispanic, gay. straight, or otherwise tilted. if it's good, people will watch it. if it's garbage, it will be ignored and forgotten. you want to see more minorities? get more minorities making quality, watchable media.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine
Last edited by phredgreen; 10-13-2003 at 10:15 PM..