Originally posted by bermuDa
i hope the ladies go for lithe and toned, I just don't have the body type for building up a lot of bulk
Let me cut an end to this lie before it stretches any further:
I was a wuss. I grew up a wuss an dlawyas considered myself a human coat hanger.
I did not want to accept it.
I did research.
Pardon me because i'm a bit buzzed and I do not remember the three different metabolisms, but you and I likely are the same metabolism.
Gaining weight is simple (but takes determination).
MUSCLE is protein. If you want more muscle, you have to eat and use more protein.
IF you eat 1 gram of protein ever day per pound you weigh (or even up to 70%) and run, lift weights, or any other phsyical activity for 30 mintues or more every other day to every 2 days, i *promise* you will exceed TREMENDOUS results.
I was a skinny stick who had no weight at all. I started drinking 60 grams of Designer Plus protein powder every day throughout the day along with a 38 gram Protein bar over the course of three snacks throughout the day, and I ended up gainign thirty pounds of MUSCLE in 2 months.
I worked out twice a week lifting only 15 pound weights and bulked up amazingly more than I was ever.
I went from 138 to 185 HEALTHY and I feel frickin' great because of it.
If you are any bit ashamed of being skinny, then you are not determined enough to make yourself more appealing within yourself.
All it takes is determination, and the results (if you eat 1gram per pound of protein) are FAST. I noticed a much bigger chest and greater circumfrence in my arms after only 2 weeks.
YOU have the power to make yourself as attractive as you want to be. It feels great to no longer be a stick. I actually have had the pleasure of "slobbin' it" here and there, and enjoying a little smack belly to hit. I like my little belly. I can (and ocacsionaly) build a six pack within 2 weeks because my metabolism burns both protein and carboyhydrates as equaly fast.
If you are unhapppy with yoru body type, then you DO have the power to change it.