When I first starting having sex with my soon-to-be-ex husband, I had an orgasm everytime just from penetration, which I know is not very common. Then as things wore on, the only way I could cum was after the deed, I had to get myself off with a little help from him. Now that I'm with my new man, I've been having those mind-blowing screaming and thrashing type Big O's every time. He is spectacular, and his huge penis helps, too. I think it's easier to have those with someone you trust completely and you feel comfortable with, you know, you're not thinking about how you look and you just feel the good stuff.....mmmm... I want to know how to get those multiple orgasms! Am I just built wrong for those or something? Damn, I feel so left out!
If your going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair. Love, Cruisergirl.