Originally posted by Dibbler
I'm sure the people in charge can't be that stupid. They're just stuck in a system we allowed to be created. If they don't uphold the rules, no matter how rigid, they're screwed by the system. They would lose their jobs, subject to criminal and civil suits, etc.. If they do uphold the rules they're stupid or morons.
Which would you choose. Called stupid or sued for everything you have?
I know you're just playing devil's advocate, but as a school administrator, I would have looked over the situation and tried to quietly inform the two children and their parents that what had gone on was a good thing but was somewhat illegal, and left it at that. If any higher ups had called me on some sort of inaction towards an infraction of "Zero-Tolerance" drug policy, that's about the time I'd play the press to get me public backing.
In the end, the school may have had no balls, which is understandable considering what a school can be held civilly liable for, but it still boils down to some dipstick choosing not to let the kid off the hook for something he shouldn't have been on the hook for.
Think about this: Dangerous drug? It was *dangerous* not to administer the drug at that point, which would certainly nullify any danger it had when being administered illicitly.