Originally posted by Astrocloud
More correctly a LOUD, STUPID republican with an arrogant IGNORANT fan-base.
Mmmm I'm a part of his 'fan base'. I also hold a M.S., a doctorate and I am a member of MENSA. I'm willing to bet my knowledge of my non-specialty subjects like history and how it relates to politics is far superior to yours. I state this not because I wish to brag, bragging on the internet is almost as pointless as arguing. I state this because the LOUD, STUPID, and IGNORANT ones seem to be people who never really listened to his show, and only get their opinions on it based on what trickles down through biased news sources who wish people like Rush, Drudge, and the like would go away. You may not agree with him on any subjects and thats fine, everyone is entitled to be wrong, but try to have caution characterizing a fan base you really known nothing of.