Now...cheating happens.
However, at least in your story so far...and in her thread
she seems to be a bit self-centered about the whole situation.
The real question is do her actions match her words?
This standard will be for ALL times, not just this situation
And does she consider your feelings, as you should with her.
If you can say yes for the most part, then continue.
But don't make excuses or rationalizations for her. (and vice versa)
Face the facts...good or bad.
See the truth...good or bad.
Although you have your issues, it's obvious you care for her.
But respect has to go BOTH ways.
If someone is saying one thing, then doing have to question the integrity of that person.
But if a person makes a mistake, and then after betters themself, then that is to be forgiven.
It's the pattern over time, you watch.
Not a flash in a pan.
I wish you both well....good luck.