Originally posted by sailor420
Realplayer. One of my classes (History of Jazz) requires us to use it to listen to some of the pieces... I try to find as many of the pieces as I can on P2P services so I dont have to use it, but some of the really old ones are impossible to find so I dont have a choice 
At least it is almost time to reformat anyways, so there wont be any problem getting rid of it when I am done with the class.
Real Alternative
Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install the official RealPlayer.
You do need a media player that is capable of playing RealMedia files. The included Media Player Classic supports it. Supported are RealAudio (.ra .rpm), RealVideo (.rm .ram .rmvb), RealText (.rt), and ReadPix (.rp).
I've been using this for a little while and it works great. I haven't had RealPieceOfShit installed on my PC in so long that I can't even remeber when I last had it.