Originally posted by matthew330
just to put things in perspective for superbelt: a list of terrorist activities from 1980 to 2000. Notice the increase right around the time Clinton took office. They've dropped again. I was looking for a bar graph i had found at one point that illustrates the amount of terrorist activity to the present day, and it's frightening to see how inept Clinton was. If i run across it i'll repost it. The war on terrorism is working despite the best efforts of Michael Moore to prove otherwise.
-Caught the those who bombed the Trade Center the first time and they are now behind bars.
Catching them stopped an assasination attempt on the Pope and a planned simultaneous destruction of 12 airliners
Clinton also "thwarted" attempts on the UN headquaters, FBI building, several tunnels and bridges.
He did this by tripling the counterterrorism budget for the FBI and doubling it overall for the government. He destroyed al Qaeda cells in 20 countries and created Condoleeza's cabinet postion to administer all federal counterterrorism activity
His first two crime bills contained anti terror legislation. And sponsored simulations for local, state, and federal officials to respond better to terrorist strikes.
Created a national stockpile of drugs and vaccines.
On aditional anti terror funding for Clinton:
"The adimistration would be wise to utilize the resources Congress has already provided before it requests additional funding."
-Orrin Hatch (R)
Clinton committed to air strikes on Sudan and Afghanistan for terror strikes against our embasies in Kenya and Tanzania.
He also issued a directive authorizing the assasination of Osama.
"The President did exactly the right thing"
-Newt Gingrich (R)
After al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole, Clinton appointed our first national antiterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke. He outlined a comprehensive plan to take out al Qaeda. (Remember this is October - Decmeber, right before Clinton leaves office)
The plan called for breaking up al Qaeda cells, arrest their personell, attack their financial support (fake charities), scale up covert action in Afghanistan to eliminate the camps and get Bin Ladin. Clarke also wanted support for the Northern Alliance and special forces troops on the ground.
Does this look familiar? It should, it is everything the Bush admin did... AFTER 9/11.
Instead of starting a war a month before leaving office and handing it off to GWBush, Clinton handed him the plans and let Bush do with it what he would, which turned out to be sitting on them and ignoring it for almost a year.