Long ago, a program called "Adobe Acrobat" (maybe you've heard about it ) , started becoming one of TheApps that had to be installed on your computers .PDF files are just popular , websites use them , universities use them , companies use them, they're on CDs, they're everywhere !And that wasn't a problem , Adobe Acrobat was a nice little program , that kept to itself, was free, fast and useful .
Skip a few years to today : Adobe Reader 6 (aka Adobe Acrobat 6) .
What can I say ? It's a LOT slower, you only have a 50/50 chance that it'll work fine with the "nifty" (though old) option to have it integrated in your browser .Otherwise , it'll freeze/crash on you and just won't end unless you use "End Task" in the Task Manager (from here on known as pulling a Task Manager on it) .
Another "feature" of Acrobat 6 is the nice little (but very useless) "My eBooks" folder it creates under "My Documents" (or whatever you call that folder) , that you just can't remove. You delete it and every time you start Acrobat 6, it recreates this folder. It's not like all those Microsoft products that create those folders and then forget about them if you delete 'em. There's no option in the settings to disable it or change its destination, it's just there to annoy you ! (How can you be so rude and expect us to allow you to keep your ebooks or whatever in some other folder??)
Now, I'm not a mean person (really! ), I thought I can live with this, come on, just a little freezing and stuff and annoying folder that won't die, the usual sacrifices to run the newest version of a program. And Acrobat 6 has been around for some time, why am I complaining now ?
Well, this happened :
I recently switched to Miranda instead of having both MSN and ICQ running and did that little trick (rename Messenger folder to something else... yes, you can also uninstall it, but I want to have the option to rename it back and have it running if I should need the real MSN client) to remove MSN from my computer.Even Outlook Express that used to pop up MSN every time I start it, didn't complain (and MSN stopped appearing when I start Outlook).
So, I want to read some PDF and start Adobe Reader 6 (how naive of me ) and BAM! "Installing Messenger" (cancel button included).I think, wtf, and click on cancel, sure as hell, the Messenger installation starts again, and again and again every time I click cancel.I pull a Task Manager on "AcroRD32.exe" (that doesn't seem to be starting if you cancel the Messenger installation), rename the Messenger folder back to how it's supposed to be, click on the PDF file and voilĂ , Adobe Reader 6 starts.
OK, so here's the question: What the hell does it need Messenger for?!?!?!
You're a lousy little viewer! You don't need Messenger powar! Not even the big bad Outlook is complaining! And what's with that annoying "Do more with Adobe PDF"/"Simplify your communications"/"Create documents anyone can open" etc. add at the top right of the program?? (Are we supposed to go OMG OMG! What a nice tip?) And why are you so sloooow? Where's the improvement over Acrobat 5 beyond being so incredibly annoying!? What the hell happened to "high quality Adobe products"? Why is there STILL no option to "uncompress" PDF files so they don't go "chop" "chop" "chop" when your viewing them (though you're using a P4 2.8HT)???
Damn it ... I hereby award Adobe Reader 6 with "The Most Annoying Program EVAR!" award .
Now where was that Acrobat 4/5 installation ?
What is the most annoying program you evar came across ?