there'll be complications when they decide they want to track down their biological mother or father,
I'm just wondering how the parents being homosexual is going to make this any harder then it already is?? I am only asking because from what I have seen (which is only in movies) this information is not something you can just go into a building and get with ease even with straight adopting parents.
I haven't voted yet, because I was reading, and then quoted this because it just caught my mind's eye. I will however be voting yes on a case-case basis. Meaning as long as they pass the test, then they should be able to adopt, just as any other situation! As for the mother/father comments, I would just like to say that just because the couple may be gay, doesn't mean they don't assume the same kind of roles that any couple has. Meaning there will be a mother figure and father figure when it comes to issues and how they are handled.
I know a woman who is gay and is raising two children, one boy and one girl. Her son is as cocky as any teenager I have met, and I will admit he holds some grudges, but she is his mother and he respects her as such. Kids get made fun of for many many reasons, and yes this might be another one, But if these kids are raised by responsible parents then they will be able to deal with it just like any other kid who's parents work at a dive bar, or have drinking problems....or whatever the kids come up with to make fun of them for!!
I also agree that the kids that are rasied by loving parents, and deal with these issues on a daily basis and can still love and be happy and show their kids its possible no matter what, have a better chance at being more level headed and less judgemental in the future which in MHO couldn't hurt a bit these days!!
Sorry that was a bit long, but there you go...
And this is a great topic and I for one am glad to have been a participant