Im being arrogant? Ive allready said twice Im talking out of my arse. That would imply that there is a good probability that Im wrong but I dont care. I like to ponder and throw a spanner in the works at times just to keep people thinking. A theory is never fully validated if it isnt contested. I find this fun hence why I have posted about stuff i dont know much about. Whilst I said a lot that I didnt know much about I also said some stuff that I know to be true. It is up to you to critique it to find out which is which. So on the aspects Im wrong then Im wrong. I really dont care. I dont see how Im being arrogant if i dont care if Im wrong or not. My first post was just ponderings and I said so (befoer mentioned arse comment). Some people decided to work their mind and say so. I felt like keeping it going to keep those minds running.
Oh yeah one more thing theories on physics are just that, theories. There are many physics theories ( hard science theories) that contradict each other. They are still adopted for absence of a better theory. Just keep that in mind when talking about the absolute truth of a physics theory. Theories have to be able to be proved or disproved. Somestuff is proved and it becomes fact. No longer a theory. Just because a physisist says something it doesnt necessarily mean its true. We are in an age where science supposidley 'proves' the nature of the universe. Whilst it definately has its strengths it does have its weaknesses too. Science is just a way to explain our universe. An interpretation. At the moment science has very good explainations. But its explainations are not absolute. Challenge what your told as some of you have done. Scientific theorys change as new information is aquired. Is there any reason to believe physics wont?