Originally posted by mystmarimatt
Yes. there have been no studies proving that a child raised by a gay couple is any worse off than one raised by a straight couple. and, to put it as best i can, i'd rather "take my chances" by letting a loving gay couple, who honestly want to raise a kid, adopt one, rather than placing them into the hands of an abusive straight couple for foster care (which, we don't like to admit, DOES happen)
Have there been any studies into this area? Do you know any that have been in this situation?
(I hope those questions don’t come across as me being a smartass, I sincerely and respectfully want to know for knowledge sake-thanks)
After reading the posts over again; a realization occurred in the fact my own thinking in this area is the same irritation I get when dealing or hearing someone who actions or beliefs are prejudice against an ethnic group, religious beliefs, or sex. I find such beliefs to be ignorant, and yet I’m there as well. To lower myself; I don’t seem to have any problem with lesbian erotica. So it appears it’s time for me to do a self inventory I suppose.
This is the first thread I wish I wouldn't have post. Although it’s provided me with thoughts to evaluate, I think the subject probably shouldn’t have been brought up now. Sorry if I offended anyone.