I voted yes, my reasons more than covered here.
Would the people who voted no offer some sort of reasoning? I can't help but assume from the lack of support for their opinions, it is a rather ignorant reason.
"I voted no. I think children need a father and a mother."
Why? Millions of children are raised with one or the other, and these single parents often struggle to provide a nice home for their child(ren). And adoption takes children from a situation were they have NO parents, and AFAIK often can end up living in group homes their whole lives. Throughout high school I got a pretty bad image of group homes, in the instances I know of these children were most definatly not being raised "properly," most any loving couple could raise a child better while providing a more suitable home and loving environment.
Not every child who is put up for adoption is adopted, right? Then anyone should be allowed to adopt if they pass a screen-test.
And why is whether or not the child will be gay when they grow up even considered in this? Is that a bad thing? It shouldn't be unless you have something against gay people.
I understand that the human race needs to have reproduction to continue, but there will never be so many gay couples that the human race is put in danger, and even if everyone in the world became gay we could artifically inseminate.