Pefect E-mail program/website possible?
Ok, I must start out with I'm not too bright when it comes to the inner workings of e-mail. The problem with getting your mail from a isp is that usually setting everything up is on your personal computer (i.e. outlook express) so if you travel it's a lot harder to set up compared to a web based e-mail system (i.e. hotmail, yahoo, etc.)
So, I was thinking what would be perfect would be to be able to receive your e-mail at your house with something like thunderbird and be able to pick your e-mail up online with a online service like Is it possible to configure thunderbird to pick mail up from a online e-mail site?
I know that if you sign up for yahoo swbell then you can receive e-mail from yahoo's mail site and from outlook express but I am unsure if you can do the same with the above services.