I would like to politely note that Lunchbox has no idea what he is talking about. First, objects moving at constant velocity, by definition, are under the influence of no (or balanced) forces. So there is no need for any 'reaction' force on the ends of the scissors. You also seem to have a small problem with the idea of action-reaction.
Heat is not a 'byproduct' of light. Light is a method of transmission of energy (as either a wave or photons, which we don't really understand very well), and hence can easily be converted into heat, which is just another form in which energy can exist. Lasers are not hot, per se. They just have the capacity to heat things. Just like microwaves don't produce heat; they just make stuff hot.
numist, you apparently misunderstand the meaning of the word infinitessimal. It means 'really, really small.'
There is nothing preventing that point from moving faster than c. As redlemon correctly states, the point has no mass and is iscapable of carrying information, so it can travel as fast as it wants.