Originally posted by sixate
The times that I've listened to him I've never heard him disagree with anything. I don't listen too him much because he's obviously always been a liar.
Rush has been on the air for well over a decade. I would be interested in knowning what these lies are. I've listened to him off and on for the last 10 years. I don't agree with everything he has said, I don't agree with his logic at times even when I agree on the basic issue, but I've never caught him lying once. I'm sure he has been wrong on an issue over the last 16 years or however long he has been on the air, but after 1000's of 3 hour shows, you can't expect him NOT to get something wrong a few times. I get my news from all sources, I even look at places as biased and nutty as truthout.org, but I've never seen anything credible about Rush lying. Of course whenever Al Franken gets called on his lies, he is given a pass because 'he is a comedian'.
But as always destroy the messanger if you can't fault the message.