it varies.
50/50 porn/imagination.
but lately imagination turns to ex...which hits the pause button til i can cycle up some other chick in my head.
i like lube, but have run out and havent had any for about a year.
i found lotion to be a decent substitute...but kinda feel funny about how much lotion i go thru. i have also been known to use my saliva.
heres one for the "i cant believe im posting this"
about a year or so ago, i used an empty cd-spindle which i lubed up to stimulate my prostate whilst i rubbed it out.
that was pretty powerful. but i havent been inclined to do it again.
and occasionally a finger will slip in there and play "prostate poker"
the darkness it surrounds me, consumes my very soul. within this worthless existence i shall never be made whole.