About a week ago, one of my friends was quite intoxicated whilst i was sober and he was asking me some really stupid and obvious questions.
Anyway, one of them was do you like boobies?
I was laughing and said, "yeah of course, everyone (namely every guy) does"
This isn't about size or anything, but just boobs in general, all forms.
That got me thinking though, why are they so good? and what do you actually really like about them?
The kind of squishiness (word?) is really nice to feel and caress. Also for some other reason aethestically it seems so hard not to look at, even under clothes!
Although, ultimately they're not too away from just spots of fat and glandular tissue (sorry to reduce it to that), so its a little hard to think why they're still do good and desirable?
The same kinda question can be posed to girl's butts, or even guys, or any other body part but i am mainly interested in boobs for the time being
Maybe there is some inconcious insticts from our primitve days which fuel some desire for them i don't know.
Also, just going off on a bit of a tangent, why is a girl taking her top off is considered to be so much different from a guy taking his off?
Basically it's all just nipples??