It sounds really, really poorly written, cheesy and unrealistic. Almost like it was written by a psychotic baboon. A drunk, dishevelled person could write better.
Lex Luthor would not be the president anyway. Lex would be the vice president (Cheney) who is using a brainwashed Jimmy Olson (Bush) as a front for his scheme. Lex leaks info to Morgan Edge (Fox News) that Maggie Sawyer (Valerie Plame) has been working for the CIA. She is subsequently kidnapped my a mysterious new villan. This leads to a dramatic two issue rescue effort in South East Asia. Meanwhile weapons inspector Emil Hamilton (Dr David Kelly) commits suicide after whistleblowing over Nigerian Kryptonite claims.
Meanwhile Doomsday campaigns for Governor of California pledging 'I can't be bargained with. I can't be reasoned with. I don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until I roll back the tripling of California's car tax.'
This sentiment goes down well until movie actor Arnold Schwarzenegger tries to sue Doomsday for plagarising the Terminator movie. Ignoring conventional legal advice, Doomsday himself rebutts the claim by leaping 1000 feet into the air and punching Arnold down into the earth's core. Judge rules mistrial. Internet critic from alternate reality rules worst.crossover.ever.
uh, tune in next week?...
Last edited by Macheath; 10-10-2003 at 06:27 PM..