Sounds like a plan:
1. Fox News talks the constitution amendment up to get Arnie into the White House. Plucky young Fox News investigative reporter Newt Gingrich interviews a Heritage Foundation expert on the US Constitution. Gives plan "two thumbs up".
2. Plan succeeds and Arnie begins his campaign for President.
3. Fox News first to air shocking and totally unexpected Arnie sex scandal with new exclusive evidence. Fox News morning show host Oliver North says "I never thought something like this would ever happen."
4. The New York Post publishes the infamous new bubble und squeak phone transcripts in a special sealed section.
4. Arnie withdraws from race.
5. The foreign born proprietor of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch announces his last minute candidacy for the office of President of the United States.
Once again, on behalf of Australia, I would like to apologise for giving you guys Rupert Murdoch.