It's completely different, and it doesn't involve money.
Kobe could offer the girl millions and millions, but it's not her descision. After she turns evidence over to the DA, it's not her choice to drop charges, or move on without trial. The choice made to file charges, and take this to court is made by the DA. The law in Colorado makes it that way. The DA doesn't need money. If the case involved a payoff, or offering her money to keep her pie hole shut, this would have never gone this far. Money is not an issue here, no matter what anyone says. If Kobe did it, he WILL go to jail for some amount of time. The DA has persued this like any other human being, he dont' give 2 fucks if it's Kobe Bryant or Joe Shmoe.
OJ's case was also completely different. It was a mess from the start, tampered evidence, ineligable evidence, and just a general fuckup from the prosecuting team allowed him to get off. If he killed his wife and her boyfriend, only the prosecution is to blame. The jurt can't use inadmissiable evidence against him. That's our wonderful justice system, it sucks, I know, but that's the cold hard facts.
R. Kelly, who knows. He didn't rape anyone, apparently. He's having consenual sex with minors, and video taping them. It may be morally wrong, and somthing he should do hard time for, but in the wonderful justice system in America, they don't see it that way.
Maybe you should blame the justice system, instead of point fingers at cold hard cash. If Kobe is guilty, he'll do the time, I guarentee it.