Originally posted by LittleOralAnnie
Telemarketers are people too. Even though they piss me off at times I realize they are just doing their job, albeit a crappy one to have. I don't think it would be fun or amusing to try to get revenge on them, that is a very unhealthy way to deal with things..
After having to deliver pizzas to them in person, I can give you some details about them.
They are not people.
They are some type of subhuman bipedal anthropoid ape, but not people.
They think themselves better than us, that we should be at their beck and call (literally), and even worse, the fuckers won't tip.
They will gladly eat their own, firing people whose sole crime it was to acutally MAKE a day's goal and earn the bonus. (I have two cases of this as current co-workers.) They have "layoffs" within a couple of days of a promised raise, but will still have the "NOW HIRING" sign up the entire time.
The few who are actual humans just trying to make some money to survive will either leave quickly (voluntarily or otherwise) or be poisoned and de-evovle into a telemarketer. Truly a sad day when that happens.
The "two million" jobs the telemarketing industry claims will be lost is one purely bogus number. A "job" is one person working on one client for at least one call. A telemarketer might work a dozen "jobs" within an hour. The actual number of people employed in the telemarketing industry at any one moment is closer to 300K than 2M, and the "Do Not Call" list threatens only the portion dedicated to outbound "cold" calls, less than 50K people.
I don't have to worry about delivering to telemarketers any more. Our restaurant received a threatening letter from a telemarketing firm stating that we were to never set foot on their property again or we'd be sued. Then they had the gall to try to order pizza from us that evening.
Except that they never sent it.
It's amazing what you can do with some linen paper and a good forgery of a company's letterhead.