Originally posted by Sun Tzu
I liked the RPG thread. The one thing about it was all the threads were add on role playing kind of like the "add on three words" to carry on the story game. That can be fun, but I had an idea for another type of direction in with those games. It will take work on the part of whoever starts any particular thread doing it this way as well as a lot of creativity, but for any that like “Game Mastering” it would be cool.
One variation would be to have a pre-made story. Every three days (or more /less) you provide how ever many options the reader can take. The next post you put the outcome of their choices. The object of each game would be: in a game of say 15 posts by the GM, the players need to make the right choices to make it to the end. If something happens “You get jetted into space, thrown in jail, killed by the dragon” you can’t post anymore in the particular game. People that are coming in late can participate they just read what has happened up to the point and enter the post according to the choices, that way the thread is not closing itself off to anyone who didn’t start from the beginning. Players who die or whatever would hopefully be cool not to post until the end (although know it’s not an absolute rule). This does two things: it kind of takes out any personal decisions the GM has to eliminate someone or similar because the story should hopefully already be done. They’re just acting as more of an observer and informer. Most all of it adds something that the others may have not be as strong in; RISK. Risk makes it more interesting. This method could be compared to a choose your own adventure book.
The other variation would be similar to the above but the dice roll for any kind of battle system, interaction, or choice could be combining in any system the GM designed. Everyone would be on an honor system just like the above.
If they’re really creative the GM could take it a step further and illustrate{in any means chosen} the story. The players could post pics of they’re characters and the GM could take those and manipulate. . . . well you get the idea there’s a lot that can be done with this direction. I was going to start a short one before to see the response, but I’d love to participate in someone else’s as well. Any suggestions. . . comments?
If you like things with a bit more structure, and sense of direction you should give a look at my RPGs. They always have a storyline and a definite direction with heros, antagonists, and all that jazz. And in my RPGs all the characters make page long conversations and stuff so they can push the story in one direction or another.