Originally posted by juanvaldes
First GameCube & XBox have roughly the same numbers sold worldwide.
Second, the potential market is huge, the are still many millions of people who have no system at all. The market is not saturated
Third, many people (it seems to me) are now picking up a second or even third system to get access to the various system exclusive games making a PS2 owner just as likely to pick up a GC/XB as someone without a system at all.
I'll agree with the XBox thing; it hasn't sold that well. But I still stand true that most of anyone that's going to buy a PS2 has already bought one. That explains why the sales are being beaten by the Gamecube's insane price drop. I'd hit it up if I didn't already have one!
And the GC for kiddies argument is crap. Give me a break; check out Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 1/0 and ETERNAL DARKNESS. These games aren't for kids, and neither is the system. Shigeru Miyamoto just has a knack for making cutsie characters in some of the games he designs, but you know what, he can...because Miyamoto does whatever the hell he wants to.