It was best said over 225 years ago by Ben Franklin:
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."
The Patriot Act would shred essential parts of the U.S. Constitution in order to fight the "war on terror." There was another country in the not-too-distant past where personal liberties were eroded in the name of nationalism, and they kicked things off by invading unfriendly countries as well.
You may remember Poland, in 1939. . .
Yes, I am comparing George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler. Both have chosen a scapegoat for the problems which beset their nation in their day. Both have waged an internationally scorned war in the name of their national security. Both have ignored the pleas of historical allies to cease in their unjust causes, and both have initially enjoyed an atmosphere of appeasement in the face of overwhelming military force. Fortunately we have the lessons of history to show us the path the president is leading America down. I only pray the people of America are wise enough to see it in 13 months when we choose whether Bush gets a second term.