Originally posted by JBX
Yes I want it stopped, but why do telemarketer's exsist? Because some bozo is not hanging up and is purchasing the crap they are selling. We have become a bunch of babies that need big brother to hang up the phones for us. For Goodness Sake, HANG UP, Don't Buy and this whole thing stops in it's tracks.
If you hang upon them before they get a chance to say anything or in the middle of a sentence, they will call back. I worked as a telemarketer, and if the person on the other line picks up and does not listen to what you have to say or what product you are selling (example: "Hi, I'm calling on behalf of the... *hangup*), the telemarketer places you on the redial list and is instructed to call you back at a later time. Yep. Just thought you might like to know.