Thread: Red Sox - A's
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Old 10-08-2003, 11:57 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Paradise
Well, that really hurt to lose that series. We (the A's) got JOBBED by that call in game 3, but you gotta give him credit... Eric Burns is even dumber than that paid off third base umpire. How can you not touch fucking home plate?!?! Boston played well in games four and five, and now I gotta suck it up and root for the Sox against the evil empire. So go sox. And I am over Lowe's gesture. Big deal. I absolutely see why Tejada's pissed. He has mad pent up aggression because his team fucked up and to top it off was rammed in the ass by one of the worst ump jobs in postseason history--he has to have someone to take it out on, and Burns had probably left the game earlier to flee from the A's fans. OUCH. Guess the Curse beat the Choke, but lets see how the Giambino plays into this one.
/jumping on Sox and Cubs now.
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