The amount of true Roleplaying that goes on in MMORPGs doesnt really warrant much thought about this, at least from a RPG point of view. To most people the game is about working towards "Uberness" in every possible way.
I have somewhere around 50 characters in MMORPGs ( i dont play all them anymore). When i look at the gender distribution i seem to favor female characters. 1 male to 4 females. I am a guy in RL. There is absolutely nothing related to sexuality in my choice of gender in a MMORPG. Not on a conscious level at least..
I choose females because there are inherent bonuses, someone further up this thread mentioned getting more help and items.
I also like the feeling of being considered not dangerous and then prove them wrong.
In Ultima Online i was in a group of all female chars. We dressed up like ladies, meaning no visible armor, and then we hunted PKs and acted as bodyguards at events. Pulling out a Heavy Crossbow from your dainty little dress gets some serious attention