I know. I'm making changes about as fast as M$ puts out patches.
I finished the 2002 season Tuesday.
Problem: With ß3, I couldn't make Ohio State (14-0) #1 over Southern California (11-2). I fiddled with the W and L equations and the mu equation, and things only got WORSE. On a lark, I chunked the Omega (standardized output to a 12-game season, basically took the average result from each game and multiplied it by 12). Now Ohio State was it it's rightful place, the lone undefeated on top on the pack.
Applying this change to this season (
http://members.cox.net/wd40/thisweek.htm), Army is #117, as any team who is shutout by TCU should be. In ß3, Army GAINED spots from being shutout, which was definitely unacceptable. TCU and Northern Illinois are down a bit though still in the Top 20. Minnesota leapt from #7 to #2, but that is solely due to being the only 6-win team so far. Averaging for a per game basis, they drop and Arkansas leaps back into #2, plus we're right back where we were for the 2002 season.
I don't foresee a ß5, at least until I get 2001 and 2000 historical data inputted, and maybe not until the full season is played out.
BTW, Texas is still #18.