What it basically comes down to is that Ratbastid is in love with the Cooper. I sympathize completely.
To restate the question: although you already have a fun small-load-capacity sportscar, should you spend $4-6K more than you planned to replace your beater with yet another small-load-capacity fun car that one of you is in love with but maybe not the other.
Well, it's the least economical solution, eats into your savings more (or puts you in debt more), and provides you with the least flexibility in hauling and passenger capacity in your "fleet." And it's also going to cost more to insure than a used Civic, I suspect. On the other side of the ledger, is fun and fun alone.
It's up to you to decide what's most important to you. But I would stress that, since I assume that the money is coming from both of you, no decision should be made that both of you don't feel good about. Otherwise, there's the possibility of unresolved money/power issues down the road.