Originally posted by MrSmashy
Yeah...we really need to repatriate the control of the oil sands to Albertan control and use the money to arm ourselves to keep the money from going east.
Then we'll be doing well. Oh, and if anyone brings up how oil will end some day...that's an excellent point...except remaining in Canada won't result in us getting more than a pittance that will keep us in perpetual depression and force us to vote Liberal to keep what little bribe money that will still exist in the sans-Alberta-economy future going our way.
That's a good one.
Please tell me how the money is going east??
While I agree that money is flowing out of Alberta, it is also flowing out of Ontario. Therefore, no alberta money is flowing into Ontario.
In fact, you may be interested to know that every year, something like 37 billion dollars flows OUT of the city of Toronto alone. That's Toronto, not Ontario as a whole, but Toronto as a city.
So don't cry too hard there my western alienated cousin, your tears are falling on deaf ears.