You know, one thing that I wonder is exactly what the Republican party is expecting to gain from this situation in the long term. The CA deficit problems are severe - but it took years of progressive tax policies and high spending to get them to where they are now. There is virtually no chance that Arnold, Davis, or anyone could fix that quagmire in two years.
By saying that Davis should be removed for not fixing the budgetary crisis, there is an implication that someone else could do better. And when that person doesn't? What will the excuse be then?
I actually like Arnold, and I think he is an intelligent man with an amazing drive and will to succeed. I just don't know that this will be the best start to a political career - seems like the deck is stacked against him in terms of producing tangible results in a quick fashion.
By the way, I saw that the proposition on racial information gathering was defeated. What about the infrastructure proposition? Was that one passed?
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam