I posted up earlier that I can't seem to be computer related, as That computer did get 500.. but apparently recently its all over the place. On top of that, my computers is all over the place, withing about 10 minutes I went from 444 to 244.. Not sure about you, but to vary 200 KBits/Sec... something is whack.
We have the Moden downstiars and then some switches going to the other computers. Weird thing is, this was all fine before. now its crazy. Also We've connected the computers directly to the DSL modem and disabled the network and the speeds have still been crap! I'm trying to convince him to just get Comcast again. When we first had them, apparently our node was pretty damn full. Technology is better and I don't expect the slowdown anymore, and on top of that I hear its supposed to get the 3MBpS/120KBpS by the end of the year... so I hope we switch soon. I figure its gotta be verizon, I mean if we've hooked it up to the modem Directly, and we even got a fresh new modem.... and replaced network cards.. would else could it be? That and even IF that one computer had a consistant 500, its still not what it SHOULD be... i guess 500 is the max we've gotton lately. (and its not too often.)
K, I'm going to check it right now.... It is.. "324.1KBits or 40.5KBytes " ughness
Lasereth, sorry 'bout the attitude..

and I'm jealous of the rates you get

.. I want that.. for that price.