Originally posted by fuhrerhat
Find out the MAXIMUM you can possibly bench right now (once), find out what 60% of it is, then do sets of 10x4 3 times a week for 3 months.
After three months, move up to 80%, same deal.
2 months later, move down to 70% with sets of 15x4.
1 month later recalculate your maximum and start over.
Why? I am unfamiliar with this routine. 10 x 4 then 15 x 4? Is that a "cutting" routine for definition? If the OP wants big titties, I can't imagine anything more than 3 sets of 5 (starting at 80% for the first and increasing with each set) every other day (probably a much longer period of rest [3 days] if just beginning)
A trainer or training partner (someone who looks like they might know what they are doing) is better than starting off blind and injuring oneself