Originally posted by gump
in tennessee you just have to register the weapon with atf and local sheriffs office, pay 200 extra for the license, and carry a permit with you when you transport the weapon. if i'm wrong would someone correct me. also anyone know what class ffl you got to have before you can buy/sell full auto's?
your right .. and wrong..
first about the FFL class you need .. :
A class II < allows manufacture of full-autos.. but you can only sell to LEO dept and .gov agency.
A class III < a dealer in machine guns.. you can sell anything to LEO and .gov but only "trasferables" to indv>
to BUY .. your need a "transferable machine gun or kit" to start with
"transferable means before 1986 and is already in the ATF's books
you then file a form 3 or a form 4 pay a tax of $200 to the ATF. < its really a stamp and not a license>
about the part you are kinda wrong in.. < about owning>
your right about the ATF and Sherrif part....
The little detail that most people arnt aware of is that only machine gun s that were regsitered as machine guns before the machine gun ban of 1986 can be owned by indivduals.
so baisly the only machine gun or regisestered machine gun conversion "kit" a person < indivdual > can own can not be newer then 1986.. meaning the legal machine guns / conv kits you see for sell to civies today are all at least 17 YEARS OLD !
if the law doesnt change at some point there will simply be no more legal machine guns for your grandkids to enjoy.
hopes this anserwed your questions if not feel free to ask for a more detailed answer.