1 Nothing wrong with doing buisness with the Bin Ladens. Or do you also condem Mussolini's relatives for Mussolini's actions?
2 The Saudi Royal Family has had a special relationship with every American president since WW2.
3 19 people attacked the US on 9 11, they were picked by Bin Laden as Saudi Arabians didnt have trouble getting into the UNIted States. Had we been better allies with Pakistan, the most of the hijackers might have been Pakistani. Bin Laden knew who to choose, and why.
4 Not true, Not in the slightest. Moore is lying again. Notice he has no back up other than his less then reputable word. And Moore knows that this one isnt true, but he is out to harm Bush so he wont get relected. Moore doesnt care if he tricks people into accepting lies as long as it works.
5 This one is just so silly. Why would NON citizens be buying legal guns in America? Who would or could legally sell them a gun? I never heard of this anywhere else but just now, but looking for illegal or recent immigrants who bought legal guns that could be tossed out do to "immigration problems" seems silly and A waste of time. And if anything, The NRA would be the first group of people to make sure that non citizens and illegal immigrants DO NOT Have access to legal guns. Again, Moore knows this, but he is casting aspersions and trying to create false messages.
6 Yes the Taliban contacted many american buisness and wanted to do buisness with lots of them. To Bush's credit, not one of them accepted their offer. But again, Moore knows this and is trying to creat a false image of alliance with the Taliban. So I guess if NAMBLA calls Michael Moore, that mean he is a child rapist?
7 Um, shock, suprise? Anger? Just like the rest of America? This question is just stupid, even for Moore.
Why call Bin Laden a multi Millionare? That is not his crime. His crime is being a terrorist. Micheal Moore is also a multi millionare. Why not call him one instead of a filmmaker?
If the patriot act is so bad, why did many democrats including those Moore endorses support and vote on it. I do have problems with the patriot act, but to blame BUsh when congress passed it is just Moore again casting blame where it doesnt belong.
This article shows why I cant stand Moore. He uses half truths, out right lies, and some irrelevant points to paint a picture. He is a despicable man. He is pathological and I believe dangerous in his mania.
At one point Saddam was our ally. We also have ( gasp) picturs of FDR and Stalin. O NO Why couldnt FDR predict the future and know that Stalin would kill 40 million people. Why is Moore not talking about the photos of his hand picked democratic canditade Gen Clark smiling with serbian war criminals WHILE WE WERE AT WAR WITH THEM? That Moore doesnt talk about, but Rumsfeild shaking hands with an ally 20 years ago Moore brings up every time he opens his yap?
Last edited by Food Eater Lad; 10-07-2003 at 02:18 PM..