Originally posted by KnifeMissle
I've heard that there is growing unhappiness with Canada from the US (or, perhaps, just the US government), much like with France.
I haven't heard anything decisively anti-Canadian, except perhaps in good natured jest. Nothing to be taken seriously.
Can any Americans shed some light on this issue? If any of this is true, can you list some of the issues? Was it Iraq?
Not that I am aware of.
No, actually a lot of us found that rather funny ourselves.
Marijuana decriminization?
You're kidding...right?
Why? Because Canada does something that we should've done...a long time ago? Maybe with radical right-wingers.
I honestly do not know.
Just genuinely curious, thanks!
Glad I could help...you non war supportin', Bush bashin', dooby smokin', homo lovin', 51st state livin' in,...well...you get the idea.
You DO realize that I'm just joking...eh?