10-07-2003, 12:04 PM
#42 (permalink)
Apocalypse Nerd
Originally posted by eple
holy derail batman....
plz return to bashing gay-haters, start a new thread if you want to discuss wether or not all religion is really hatred.
I did a little research on this Phelps guy. He hates blacks too
On Blacks
"Anybody babbling about 'multicultural affairs' and 'celebrating diversity' is a propagandist for the militant sodomite agenda...Westboro Baptists will picket this black obfuscator, in religious protest and warning. Being black won't get you to Heaven. But promoting fags will take you to Hell."
-- "WBC Will Picket ___________________, Ph.D. She's a Multicultural, Diversity-Celebrating Blabbermouth," WBC "News Release," November 13, 1996
"Forget the American Bald Eagle. Since June 23, 1994, the only fitting emblem for the Great Seal of the United States Judiciary is this beast...Just call me: 'Yo Honuh'!!!... Here Come De Judge!!!"
--Text surrounding a racist caricature of an African-American female judge, "The Federal Judiciary: A Menagerie of Demonic, Libidinous, unclean Beasts: A Curse from God Upon an Apostate Nation," WBC flier, November 28, 1996
"Me ______________. Me lots smarter now. Me be Deputy Mayor...This crowd could dumb down the Western Hemisphere."
-- Text surrounding a drawing of a gorilla, "Wagnon's 'Friendlier Topeka,'" WBC flier, June 13, 1997. The named individual is an African-American city council member in Topeka, Kansas
"Black Female Dyke ___________ is a child of the Devil, peddling her satanic father's fag lies...She's dangerous because she plays the race card, the female card, & the poor-little-broken-home-orphan card like a fiddle to gullible fools who give her money."
-- "WBC to Picket Pervert ________, & Her Devil's Angels," WBC "News Release," May 20, 1996
"The recent race riots in New York over the senseless killing of young Yusef Hawkins, and the waves of Black students clashing with police in Virginia Beach, remind us that racism is not quite dead in America the beautiful. But most of us are sick and tired of self-flagellation. Shall a few isolated racist acts keep us all in sackcloth forever, repenting the sins of slave-owning ancestors?"
-- Fred Phelps in The Spotlight newspaper, October 30, 1989
"Meet _______________, black criminal...this black goon heads for 15-year-old Sharon Phelps...to beat her and hospitalize her."
-- "Boycott the Vintage...Black Bullies Beat White Kids and Women," WBC flier, March 31, 1996
"On Feb. 1 this sorry smear of Hamitic Sludge who sold his black soul to the Courthouse Whore ordered a fellow black murderer...released without bond & without an AIDS test!"
-- "Black Slime ____," WBC flier, February 6, 1995