First, he did issue a public aplogy about his sexual misconduct. By apologizing he is admitting he did it and he has never denied the charges. Second, some of the women have come forward and the difference between 3 names and 6 is further irrelevance as there are names and their is guilt. The only question is rather he does this sort of thing a lot or a frickin' lot. Also, the lack of names do not mean the 3 are lying nor is it even related to truth telling. Third, don't tell me that "most" republicans didn't care about the sexual impropriety. The mud slinging started long before Clinton's official testimony and if you really believe that lying to the public is what made them hate Clinton then how can they support Bush who's lies cost lives!
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751