Originally posted by RAMONES!!!
obviously you have never seen or watched a Lightning Game, ask any offical and they will tell you that the lightning had the loudest arena in the playoffs, Tampa is a great place for hockey, believe it or not.
and seeing from where you are. Arizona, why the hell would they put hockey out there?
i dont want to start a fight here, but dont start knocking Tampa hockey if you have never seen a Lightning game.
Thanks for prejudging me. I'm from Boston living in AZ; do you remember that the Bruins are one of the original six?
Anyhow, I'm not arguing whether or not Tampa can support a team. I think it would be a great town for an AHL or IHL team; just like Phoenix was back in the day of the Roadrunners.
I would definitely agree that Coyotes should still be the Jets but given the fact that as a taxpayer I just flipped the bill for a new stadium, I can't real see a viable reason to dump the Coyotes at this point.
Expanding the league has been one of the biggest mistakes. The Florida teams were a mistake as was putting more than one team in Cailfornia. The NHL is a mess and it is not going to get any better for anyone when the CBA has expired.
Oh, and I'd love to Martin St.Louis in a Bruins uniform when the Lightning go under. Cheers!