Originally posted by TrollInvestigtr
uh, the reason they use it is EXACTLY the reason you detest it -- IT BOTHERS YOU.
Okay I am not 100% sure what you mean by this but I am going to take it to mean "people say gay meaning stupid just offened others" I think that is shallow and self centered to think that. There are more people in this world then just you. To think that everyone who does something or says something that bothers you just for the fact to bother your is really quite naive.
Originally posted by apetaster
Interesting question above - why is it that the N -word (and perhaps the S-word for hispanics)
I guess I am not up on my racial slurs. (which is pretty much right..) What is the S word?
Originally posted by WhoaitsZ
in my life, one thing i cannot tolerate .... is the words of hurt thrown at people.
See and that is sort of the point. Gay meaning stupid is not being thrown at anyone (unless you are calling someone stupid.. )
When I call something gay meaning stupid the word means just that. Stupid.
Here is a better question. Can I call something that I find odd queer? Queer is typically (depending on how it is used) considered more offense then gay or faggot or most other words. But it originally just ment something that is odd or just not right. It would probably offended most people more if I called my friends queer as an insult. Even though technically I could say I was just saying they were odd which IS a meaning of queer and its the meaning that hass been around longer.
Originally posted by william
why is it okay for one and not the other?
Afermative action? Thats basically what it all boils down to though. Untill we stop making distincations between people black white/gay straight/man women whatever. Even positive ones. We will never live in peace. Positive ones are just as bad as negative ones. I mean if we teach our kids (through whatever means) that Asians are smarter as a people how do we keep them from thinking Mexicans are lazier as a people?