its different for me every time!
usually after i cum i can stay hard for.........well im not quite sure! i know its a while though! long enough to keep her a moaning if ya know what i mean!
but usually im so exhausted after the first run there is no need for a second!
if im wearing a condom then sex is done when i cum! its hard to get enough sensation to cum once with those damn things!
but if no rubber is needed then i can fuck,pull out and splooge on the titties and then go back at it for another run!
mostly its a matter of how "winded" i get though to determine how long i can go after blasting off!
with years of smoking and asthma its hard to go all night long!
so i say,"lay it right the first time and no need to worry about a second!"
did any of that make and sense at all?