I enjoy Mother Jones. My next issue should come soon.
"Islamicist" -- is that a word?
It apparently is! I weep for our language.
However, this bit, linked from the main article, makes me vomit with rage.
"The Washington Post reported on September 3 that the number of those wounded in action has grown so large and attacks have become so commonplace that US Central Command usually issues press releases listing injuries only when the attacks also kill one or more personnel. The result is that many injuries go unreported."
The number is listed about 6,000 total injuries, 1,358 combat injuries. Sure, only 357 US & British fatalities. Great. I'm sure the guys missing arms, legs or eyes are happy they're not listed as casualties of war by Central Command.
Good article, though I wouldn't go so far as to say it's utterly without the usual bashing. It does talk about "the inevitable end for the Bush regime" and so forth.